St Petersburg

While I was writing St Petersburg I had to do a lot of research on the internet, from the inside of the Winter Palace in St Petersburg to Tsarkoy Selo to Tallin and inside of Faberge's workshops. I was hoping that once the book was published I would be able to go one one of those cruises that took in St Petersburgh, Moscow and Tallin, but thanks to Vladimir Putin and his war, that will never happen. I must admit that I am disappointed, but life is full of disappointments.

The two pictures on the front of St Petersburg are of me and my late husband Bobert who I made a dedication to in the front of the book. The picture of me was a pastel drawing done at Butlins when I was 16 and the photo of Bobert was taken some time before we met when we worked together at Jaguar cars at Radford in Coventry. He was my Supervisor and I was a clerk typist. I left Jaguar cars in 1995 and never saw Bobert again until nearly twenty years later when we literally bumped into each other. We went for a coffee to chat and catch up on what had been happening in the last twenty years and the rest is history as they say. Bobert and I married in 1996 and I can honestly say that he was the love of my life. Unfortunately we had only been married for seven and a half years before he suffered a massive heart attack and died. I had lost my soulmate and would never find anyone to match him. I think in my first novel Polperro and in St Peterburg the main male characters were based on Bobert. While I still write about him in my novels his memory and the love that we shared will never die, but live on until it is my time to join him in the hereafter. Our journey may be over but our love will go on.

Maybe one day I might tell the full story of Bobert and me. We will see.

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