I did my first talk to a book club today based in Tile Hill in Coventry. After having read the two reviews on Amazon I thought that I would 'pre'empt' any bad reviews by saying that the enjoyment of reading a novel is a bit like buying a house. You might like the layout of the home and the size of the rooms, but you can guarantee that the wallpaper is never your personal taste. Enjoying a book is subjective. One of the reviews on Amazon was a five star. the other was a two star. There is a saying that you can please some of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time. One thing that was brought to my attention was that there was a duplication that should have been noted in the editing. Apparently, there was a bit that said that "they got back on their horses and returned home" then that was repeated two pages later, which I didn't realise. I was disappointed that that had not shown up in the editing and to those that have read it and noted the duplication, I am sorry. I would like thank the ladies of the Tile Hill Library book club; I thoroughly enjoyed the morning.

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